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Shakha Pola & Loha Set - 10APO875
Beautiful Shakha Pola and Loha set of bangles with simple and gorgeous look. Close to perfect and beautiful sets of shakha pola and loha bangles.
*Please note: Shakha bangles with minute holes, dots and little yellowish or reddish colour.
2 Shakha + 2 Pola + 1 Loha
• Shakha: Pure conch shell
• Pola: Red corals
• Loha: Iron
• Shakha: White (with minute holes, dots and little yellowish or reddish colour.)
• Pola: Red
• Loha: Dark silver
• Original - Shakha made of conch shells and Pola are made of red corals
• Designed by Kolkata artisans
• Pride of Bengali culture
• Stylish with minute holes, dots and little yellowish or reddish colour.
Traditional Values
Shakha, Pola and Loha are symbols of Bengali Hindu married women. It is also widely accepted religious marriage symbol by other Hindu married women. Shakha and Pola are worn in both the hands. As per believe in Hindu Society, wearing these bards off bad omens. As per Bengali tradition, at the morning of the marriage day, the mother of the bride presents the Shakha and the Pola to the bride and she wears them.