How to know your Bangle Size?


Bangles are most precious ornament for Indian Women. It should fit nicely on the wrist. Their looseness and shape draw more attention than other jewelries, and imbue them with a particular quality that can be in turns flirtatious, playful, bold, or elegant. There is a bangle for nearly every budget and fashion sensibility.


Before shopping for a bangle, it is important to understand how to find the right fit. Many bangles slide on over the hand, and therefore need to be sized accordingly.


Bangle Size


1. Measuring the Wrist

To measure wrist size, use a cloth tape measure or a scale for measurement. Wrap the tape measure around the wrist, so that it fits snugly without feeling too tight or too loose. Mark where the tape measure overlaps: This is the wrist size. A piece of string and straight ruler can also be used if a cloth tape measure is unavailable.


Bangles measuring sigeeka

Step 1

- Take a thin thread.
- Wrap it around your hand bringing your thumb and little finger closer.
- lastly mark the overlapping point of the thread.


Measuring bangles with scale

Step 2

- Now take the marked thread and a scale.
- Put that area of thread over the measuring scale and note the inches.
- That will be the diameter of your wrist.


2. How to measure the size of bangle?

Bangles are sized by their diameter, which is a measure of the length of a straight line passing through the centre of the bangle, terminated at both end of the periphery (circumference) of the bangle. The unit of measurement is inches.


An inch is further divided into 16 sections. So, when we say the bangle size is 2-8 (pronounced two eight), it means the diameter of the bangle is 2 full inches plus 8 sections of the total 16 sections of the inch. This effectively converts to 2inches + 8/16 inches, which is 2 inches plus half an inch. In other words this size will be 2.5" (pronounced two point five inches).


As shown in the picture:


Measuring bangle size sigeeka


Measure Good Fitting Bangles You Already Own with bangle scale measurement:


Measuring bangle size sigeeka


Take out bangles that you already have and measure the inside diameter and compare to the below measurement chart or the measurement stated in the actual bangle listing.


As long as you measure the inside diameter of your current bangles this will be an accurate way to find your bangle size.


The table below will help you know the right size for your bangle:


Bangles size guideline sigeeka


Knuckle Measurement:

Measuring size with thread sigeeka


- Place a thread crossing all the four knuckles and mark the point on thread.
- Then with scale measurement see the inches on scale.
- That will be your bangle size in diameter.


Conclusion & Importance:

Bangles are an excellent addition to a jewellery collection. It can make you stylish with its perfect fit and awesome look. So, if you have any confusion about the size of your bangle, come to us. We are always there to help you to make you the best and beautiful.

Sample Block Quote

Nam tempus turpis at metus scelerisque placerat nulla deumantos sollicitudin delos felis. Pellentesque diam dolor an elementum et lobortis at mollis ut risus. Curabitur semper sagittis mino de condimentum.

Sample Paragraph Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque de penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum.


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